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Writer's picture: Paul HawkinsPaul Hawkins

From the book I’m working on - something to offend everyone, an exercise in paranoia:




The substratum of disaster was laid with the globally promoted (enforced) artificial genetic vaccines to address a minor illness that had been hyped as an imminent global threat.


A genetically engineered vaccine was administered to billions of humans.


So that went well.


All that was left was to deploy an aerosol catalyst to activate the genetic substratum to achieve the end. It worked. Human life was extinguished on a massive scale.


As the phenomenon spread, people began to watch for and hide from the ominous contrails, and soon after they appeared, humans exploded like late-stage Ebola victims. Uncontrollable hemorrhaging, guts on the outside and flies on the guts. Men and women across the planet hid from the skies, the ancient heavens, but it did no good. 90% of the human population was extinguished in three months.


Those that remained were mostly in Africa, the cradle of human consciousness, where unaligned leaders, already leery of the double-dealing West and East, had evaluated the genetic vaccine rationally and decided No.


Human beings had emerged from Africa long before Adam and Eve were even a myth.


Consciousness and language and love and loss, somehow in an ape’s brain. It would not be extinguished there.


The last man and woman emerged from Africa after the global disaster, but that is jumping ahead of myself so just keep reading.


I have tracked him to the rubble of Mt Rushmore, where only the face of Jefferson remains intact.

‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.’

-- Pierre Charboneau, hunting the last vampire John Bohrs

 near the crumbled remains of Mount Rushmore





From Pierre Charboneau’s journal, on the trail of the last vampire, John Bohrs, in the foggy banks of the Missouri:

When I finally say the One True Thing, the Perfect Geometry, the world will shake like the Pillars of Sampson and the end will begin as the pillars crash like dominoes in the ancient hall.. And dust will fly up in choking clouds from the many more dead kingdoms and dead gods/pantheons than we’d imagined.

Marble dead-eyed heroes, marble cold-eyed queens – and many marble harlots, only of all of whom the eyes were still alive like ripe fruit with a glaze.


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