There is no place more depressing than a #SpiritHalloween Shop, always in a vacant storefront in a dying mall and air conditioning optional, and giving a few local stones youth about two months of menial employment.
Any, if you don’t want to be a character from a movie that wasn’t even popular when it was released 20 years ago, here is my summary of the women’s costume options:
sexy vampire
Sexy witch
naughty sexy cop (fur handcuffs included but you gotta pay extra for the baton even though it’s in the picture)
naughty sexy nun or evil nun
Black Leotard sexy cat (leotard sold separately as well as cat ears)
Oh and sexy naughty nurse, naughty sexy librarian, sexy naughty maid - feel free to remind me of what I have forgotten.
Men can be goofy this and scary that, but women? At least according to Spirit Shop, see above.